A. Mohamed, H. Hagras, S. Shakya and G. Owusu.
A Fuzzy Logic Based Tactical Resource Planner for Workforce Allocation in a Telco,
In proceedings of International Conference on Autonomous and Intelligent Systems (AIS 2012), Aveiro, Portugal, Springer LNAI, 2012.
S. Shakya and R. Santana. (Eds.).
Markov Networks in Evolutionary Algorithms,
Adaptation, Learning and Optimization series. Vol. 14. Springer. 2012.
S. Kassem, H. Hagras, G. Owusu and S. Shakya.
A Type2 Fuzzy Logic System for Workforce Management in the Telecommunications Domain,
In proceedings of 2012 IEEE World Conference on Computational Intelligence (IEEE WCCI 2012), Brisbane, Australia, IEEE press, 2012.
R. Santana and S. Shakya.
Probabilistic Graphical Models and Markov Networks,
Chapter 1 in Markov Networks in Evolutionary Algorithms. Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. series Vol. 14. Springer. Pp. 3-19. 2012.
S. Shakya and R. Santana.
A Review of Estimation of Distribution Algorithms and Markov Networks,
Chapter 2 in Markov Networks in Evolutionary Algorithms. Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. series Vol. 14. Springer. Pp. 21-37. 2012.
S. Shakya and R. Santana.
MOA - Markovian Optimisation Algorithm,
Chapter 3 in Markov Networks in Evolutionary Algorithms. Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. series Vol. 14. Springer. Pp. 39-53. 2012.
S. Shakya, J. McCall, A. Brownlee and G. Owusu.
DEUM - Distribution Estimation Using Markov Networks,
Chapter 4 in Markov Networks in Evolutionary Algorithms. Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. series Vol. 14. Springer. Pp. 55-71. 2012.
A. Brownlee, J. McCall and S. Shakya.
A Markov Network Fitness Model,
Chapter 8 in Markov Networks in Evolutionary Algorithms. Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. series Vol. 14.. Springer. Pp. 125-140. 2012.
J. McCall, A. Brownlee and S. Shakya.
Application of Distribution Estimation Using Markov Network Modelling (DEUM),
Chapter 12 in Markov Networks in Evolutionary Algorithms. Adaptation, Learning and Optimization. series Vol. 14.. Springer. Pp. 193-207. 2012.
S. Shakya, R. Santana and J. A. Lozano.
A Markovianity based Optimisation Algorithm,
Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines, Springer, 2011. (Accepted for Publication)
S. Shakya, M. Kern, G. Owusu and C. M. Chin.
Neural Network Demand Models and Evolutionary Optimisers for Dynamic Pricing,
Knowledge Based Systems, Elsevier, 2011
T. Mamer, S. Shakya, J. McCall and G. Owusu.
Intelligent Tuning of a Dynamic Business Simulation Environment,
In M. Bramer, et. al, editors, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVIII, proceedings of AI-2011, Cambridge, UK, 2011. Springer-Verlag London
S. Shakya, M. Kern, G. Owusu and C. M. Chin
Dynamic Pricing with Neural Network Demand Models and Evolutionary Algorithms,
In M. Bramer, et. al, editors, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVII, proceedings of AI-2010, Pages 223-236, ISBN 978-0-85729-129-5, Cambridge, UK, 2010. Springer-Verlag London.
R. Santana, C. Bielza, P. Larrañaga, J. A. Lozano., C. Echegoyen, A. Mendiburu, R. Armanñanzas and S. Shakya.
MATEDA 2.0: Estimation of distribution algorithms in MATLAB,
Journal of Statistical Computing. Vol. 35 No. 7 Pp. 1-30, 2010
S. Shakya, C. M. Chin and G. Owusu
An AI-Based System for pricing Diverse Products and Services. Knowledge Based Systems,
23(4), pages 357 – 362, ISSN 0950-7051, May 2010, Elsevier
S. Shakya, A. Brownlee, J. McCall, F. Fournier, and G. Owusu.
DEUM - A fully Multivariate EDA based on Markov networks,
Exploitation of Linkage Learning in Evolutionary Algorithms, Volume 3, Pages 71-93, ISBN 978-3-642-12833-2, April 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
A. Brownlee, J. McCall, S. Shakya and Q. Zhang
Structure Learning and Optimisation in a Markov Network based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm,
Exploitation of Linkage Learning in Evolutionary Algorithms, Volume 3, Pages 45-69, ISBN 978-3-642-12833-2, April 2010, Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
S. Shakya, C. M. Chin and G. Owusu
An AI-Based System for pricing Diverse Products and Services,
In M. Bramer, et. al, editors, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXVI, proceedings of AI-2009, Pages 393-406, ISBN 978-1-84882-983-1, Cambridge, UK, 2009. Springer-Verlag London.
M. Kern, S. Shakya and G. Owusu
Integrated Resource Planning for Diverse Workforces,
In proceedings of International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE39), Troyes, France, 2009.
R. Santana, C. Echegoyen, A. Mendiburu, C. Bielza, J. A. Lozano, P. Larrañaga, R. Armañanzas and S. Shakya
MATEDA: A suite of EDA programs in Matlab,
Technical Report EHU-KZAA-IK-2/09, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country, February 2009.
S. Shakya, A. Brownlee, J. McCall, F. Fournier, and G. Owusu,
A fully Multivariate DEUM Algorithm,
In proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2009), Trondheim, Norway, 2009. IEEE Press (Accepted for Publication)
A. Brownlee, J. McCall, S. Shakya, and Q. Zhang.
Structure Learning and Optimisation in a Markov-network based Estimation of Distribution Algorithm,
In proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2009), Trondheim, Norway, 2009. IEEE Press (Accepted for Publication).
S. Shakya, R. Santana
A Markovianity based Optimisation Algorithm,
Technical report EHU-KZAA-IK-3/08, Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country, September, 2008.
S. Shakya, F. Oliveira, and G. Owusu.
Analysing the Effect of Demand Uncertainty in Dynamic Pricing with EAs,
In M. Bramer, F. Coenen, and M. Petridis, editors, Research and Development in Intelligent Systems XXV, proceedings of AI-2008, Cambridge, UK, 2008. Springer-Verlag London.
S. Shakya and R. Santana
An EDA based on local Markov property and Gibbs sampling,
In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO2008), Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 2008. ACM.
Siddhartha Shakya, John McCall.
Optimization by estimation of distribution with DEUM framework based on Markov random fields,
International Journal of Automation and Computing, 4(3), pages 262-272, Science Press, co-published with Springer-Verlag GmbH, ISSN 1476-8186 (Print) 1751-8520 (Online), 2007, The original
publication is available at, DOI 10.1007/s11633-007-0262-6
Siddhartha Shakya, Fernando Oliveira, Gilbert Owusu.
An application of GA and EDA to Dynamic Pricing,
In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2007), Pages 585-592, London, UK. 2007, ACM, ISBN 978-1-59593-697-4.
John McCall, Andrei Petrovski, Siddhartha Shakya.
Evolutionary algorithms for Cancer Chemotherapy Optimisation,
Computational Intelligence in BioInformatics, Edited by G. Fogel, D. corne and Y. Pan. Wiley 2007.
Andrei Petrovski, Siddhartha Shakya, John McCall.
Optimising Cancer Chemotherapy Using an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm and Genetic Algorithms,
In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2006), Seattle, USA.2006, ACM.
Siddhartha K. Shakya, John A.W. McCall, Deryck F. Brown.
Solving the Ising Spin Glass Problem using a bivariate EDA based on Markov Random Fields,
In proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2006) (as part of the IEEE WCCI 2006), Vancouver, Canada. 2006. IEEE press.
Siddhartha K. Shakya.
DEUM: A Framework for an Estimation of Distribution Algorithm based on Markov Random Fields,
PhD thesis, The Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, UK. April 2006.
Siddhartha K. Shakya, John A.W. McCall, Deryck F. Brown.
Incorporating a Metropolis method in a Distribution Estimation using Markov Random Field Algorithm,
In proceedings of IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (IEEE CEC 2005),pages 2576-2583, Edinburgh, UK. 2005. IEEE press
Siddhartha Shakya, John McCall, Deryck Brown.
Using a Markov Network Model in a Univariate EDA: An Emperical Cost-Benefit Analysis,
In proceedings of Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2005), pages 727-734, Washington, D.C., USA.2005, ACM.
S. Shakya, J. McCall, D.F. Brown.
Estimating the distribution in an EDA,
In B. Ribeiro, R. F. Albrechet,
A. Dobnikar, D.W. Pearson, and N. C. Steele,
editors, In proceedings of the International Conference
on Adaptive and Natural computiNG Algorithms
(ICANNGA 2005), pages 202-205, Coimbra, Portugal, 2005. Springer-Verlag, Wien.
Siddhartha. K. Shakya.
Markov Random Field modelling of Genetic Algorithms
, Progress Report submitted to The Robert Gordon University to make the case for transfer from MPhil to PhD, The Robert Gordon University, 2004.
S. K. Shakya, J. A. W. McCall, D.F. Brown.
Updating the probability vector using MRF technique for a Univariate EDA
In E. Onaindia and S. Staab,
editors, Proceedings of the Second Starting AI Researchers'
Symposium (STAIRS' 2004), pages 15-25, Valencia, Spain,2004. IOS press.
S. K. Shakya, J. A. W. McCall, D.F. Brown.
Preliminary results on evolution without selection
, PREP 2004.
Siddhartha Shakya.
A system to draw Virtual Network Map for Mobile Phone Networks
, MSc Dissertation, University of Sussex, 2002.
Siddhartha Shakya 2006.
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